.......followed by my flippant comment that I could knit for a year without needing to add to my stash! Me and my big mouth - or fingers in this case!
So, the conversation evolved and I have committed (or perhaps I should be committed!) to knitting, sewing and spinning only from stash for the next year. The year will finish on the last weekend of August which is when I will be going to KAN again.
I also want to get back to making my own clothes so that is another part of the big overall challenge.
There are a few caveats:
It won't include haberdashery or calico, if I need it, for mock garments.
It won't include fabric for a summer dressing gown for the husband.
It won't include possible fabric for 2 chairs I want to cover...if I have time in the next year lol.
It won't include purchases/gifts for swaps (giving and receiving) - one of which I'm already committed to taking part in.
Obviously, it won't include any fabric for anything work related.
So...here I go! Wish me luck and please help me keep on the straight and narrow.